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Octofrost - the IQF fruits and vegetables

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Cena: zl1.00

Freezing fish, meat, vegetables, or fruit has always been a convenient way to store, work with and even sell food. These days, it has been made even simpler to take advantage of modern freezing technology to create premium products at a low cost. Here's how:
&#9679; By finding yourself near where the prime material is collected, you ensure prominent levels of quality right off the bat.
&#9679; Processing it then through a specialized and pre-configured IQF line will ensure that all the cooking/blanching, rinsing, and freezing are done in the right order, at the right speed, to create a high-quality result.
&#9679; The IQF fruits and vegetables can be resold for a higher price, as the advantages of storage, nutrition value, and appearance are all there. Furthermore, unlike other types of frozen products, IQF-based freezing separates the individual pieces, creating an even more appealing product.
Octofrost has worked tirelessly to perfect this technology and create the ultimate processing line &#8211; relatively fast to install and get started with, it will pay for itself in a noticeably short while! Consider this, and contact us at if you&#8217;re interested. »

Og³oszenie dodane: Czwartek, 02 Grudzien, 2021  00:56

Identyfikator: 710343

Wy¶wietleñ: 6296

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