No freezing process is complete without a blanching stage – the phase where your product is cooked and rinsed of any impurities, making sure that what gets frozen is entirely safe for consumption. But did you know that this phase can often make or break the final product? For instance, when preparing to freeze shrimp, it’s deceptively easy to under-or overcook it, and end up having to throw out a part of the frozen goods.
A high-quality blanching machine will remove these worries, as it will perform exactly as configured, with an error no bigger than 0.1 Celsius! Configuring the blanching process and perfecting it for each type of product will ensure a final product of the best quality.
Luckily, this level of customization and precision is possible when using the IQF Blancher or Cooker. Looking for the perfect meat, cheese, fruit, or vegetable blanching machine? Why choose! With the Octofrost IQF Blancher – you get the best of all worlds! Process a wide variety of raw products and configure the best blanching procedure for every single one; with our products, you can afford such an elevated level of granularity. Contact us at to find out more.